It is generally thought that the greater centaury[1] strengthens the sight, if the eyes are fomented with it steeped in water; and that by employing the juice of the smaller kind, in combination with honey, films and cloudiness may be dispersed, marks obliterated, and small flies removed which have got into the eve. It is thought also that sideritis is curative of albugo in beasts of burden. As to chelidonia,[2] it is marvellously good for all the affections above mentioned. Root of panaces[3] is applied, with polenta,[4] to defluxions of the eyes; and for the purpose of keeping them down, henbane-seed is taken, in doses of one obolus, with an equal proportion of opium, in wine. Juice, too, of gentian is used as a lini- ment, and it sometimes forms an ingredient in the more active eyesalves,[5] as a substitute for meconium. Euphorbia,[6] applied in the form of a liniment, improves the eyesight, and for ophthalmia juice of plantago[7] is injected into the eyes.

Aristolochia disperses films upon the eyes; and iberis,[8] attached to the head with cinquefoil, is curative of defluxions and other diseases of the eyes. Verbascum[9] is applied topically to defluxions of the eyes, and vervain is used for a similar purpose, with rose oil and vinegar. For the treatment of cataract and dimness of sight, cyclaminos is reduced to a pulp and divided into lozenges. Juice, too, of peu- cedanum, as already mentioned,[10] mixed with meconium and oil of roses, is good for the sight, and disperses films upon the eyes. Psyllion,[11] applied to the forehead, arrests defluxions of the eyes.

1. All the plants here mentioned are of a more or less irritating nature, and would greatly imperil the sight.

2. See c. 50 of this Book.

3. See c. 11 of this Book.

4. See B.xviii.c.14, and B.xxii.c.59.

5. most dangerous application, in reality.

6. A most dangerous application, in reality.

7. A comparatively harmless, though useless application.

8. See c. 49 of this Book.

9. See c. 73 of this Book.

10. In c. 70 of this Book.

11. See c. 90 of this Book.